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10 FREE Ways to Appreciate Dad for Father’s Day

Father’s Day came FAST! And in just two weeks, we’ll be celebrating the Fourth of July with fireworks! Summer is flying by, and if Father’s Day caught you by surprise (like it did for me), no worries! These 10 FREE ideas can help us make Father’s Day special for that special guy: your hubby, dad, father-in-law, grandpa or the man who’s been like a dad in your life.

10 FREE Ways to appreciate dad for Father's Day

I hope these ideas help you make Father’s Day special in a unique and personal way. Eating out is fun (and I love it!) Gifts are nice! But sometimes the FREE, more thoughtful gifts end up being more memorable (especially if you get kids involved!)

Try some (or all) of these 10 FREE ways to appreciate dad for Father’s Day. And let me know how it goes, or add more ideas in the comments below!

10 FREE Ways to Appreciate Dad for Father’s Day

  1. Old Photos Made New!

    • If you’re anything like my mom and I, there are WAY too many photos in the house. Even after Hurricane Harvey in Houston, when my parents lost everything, somehow my mom was able to salvage photos. One FREE way to show dad you appreciate him is to get one of those old photos that may be in a box or album somewhere and turn it into a card. It can be on construction paper that, if you’re a mom, you know your kids have leftover from school. And if the kids can add little drawings along with the photo, sweet messages, etc, even better!
    • You can also take old photos to create a poster collage (if you have poster board at home). Or, if you have a frame that you’re not really using and can re-purpose, that might count as a “re-gift”, but depending on what you’re able to do with what you have on hand, it might turn into a sweet project for Dad.
    • The idea is to keep it as FREE if you can! San Francisco with dad and abuelo
  2. Mini kid-made book

    • Does dad or grandpa have a nickname? For my kids, my dad is “Abuelo Millo” and my father-in-law is “Abuelo Willo”. (Crazy how those names turned out to kind of “match”!)
    • You can use regular paper, or construction paper (whatever you have on hand) to create a mini book. Get creative with a story, featuring “Abuelo” and the kids, draw characters, add color with crayons or paint, etc. Those little books can be treasured by grandpa for years!
  3. Dad’s favorite meal

    • (Note: this one might not be free if you have to shop for the ingredients.) Odds are, if it’s dad’s favorite meal, you might already have the ingredients at home. And if that’s the case, get cooking! You can make it extra special by creating a handwritten menu and an invitation for Dad to expect a special meal (Ex: Meet us at the dinner table Saturday at 5pm for a surprise!)
  4. Chore Coupon Book

    • This one can be a WIN for any dad! Do you know what chores dad doesn’t love? Create a little booklet using regular paper, construction paper or an unused notebook or journal you may have lying around. Some ideas for “chore coupons” that dad can redeem when he wants can be: mowing the lawn, laundry for a day or washing the car. The coupons could also include a “dad day” where you’ll join him doing something he loves (even if it’s not your favorite!)
  5. Workout together

    • For some dads, this is a GREAT idea! For other dad’s they’d much rather spend a night on the couch watching a movie. Whatever YOUR guy would love best, do that! But if it’s working out, write dad a note and invite him to a jog, an evening bike ride, a morning dog walk or something crazy like a mud run! (That last one will probably have a registration cost, but you get the idea!) Plan a little workout together to bond with dad for Father’s Day.

      We enjoyed a Susan G. Komen 5k with my hubby and our kids! Fun and healthy times!

  6. Free movie night!

    1. In my city of Houston, we always find out about FREE movie nights thanks to our friends at Houston on the Cheap. Google free movies in your city to see what you can find. Some areas have $1 movie nights and other fun events!
  7. Free museum day!

    • If your hubby, dad or grandpa is an art buff, or maybe he loves airplanes or wants to feel like a kid again, you could treat dad to a museum outing for FREE! In Houston, there are beautiful park areas near the museum district, so you can turn it into a whole day with dad where the expense would be driving there and bringing your own picnic treats! Again, do an internet search for free museum days in your area. You might be surprised!
  8. Free symphonic concert

    • My dad, Emilio, is a conservatory trained, classical pianist. He’s SO talented! I grew up, hearing my dad play Rachmaninoff’s rhapsody on a theme of Paganini among many other incredible musical compositions. If you have a special dad in your life who enjoys a night at the symphony, sign up for your city’s symphonic orchestra’s emails (or follow them on social media). The Houston Symphony has FREE summer concerts! The only catch is finding one indoors because my dad is not a fan of the Houston heat and some of the concerts are outdoors! Lol!
  9. Create a masterpiece for him (write a poem, song, draw, paint, etc…)

    • I got inspired by FREE idea #8 to go up a notch and create your OWN masterpiece! You don’t have to be a virtuoso to create a heartfelt poem, write a song for dad, draw or paint something for him. My in-laws have (no joke) framed art that my kids have created in school or church. They cherish it as much as if it had come from a gallery! And it’s sweet to see these masterpieces when we see them displayed every time we visit their home in Puerto Rico!
  10. Share a spiritual moment (go to church with dad if he’s been asking, or just pray and do an act of kindness if he’s not into church) 

    • If you know me, you know this blog is all about family, faith and fun. The faith part is very important for me as a Christian. And I’m thankful to God, our heavenly FATHER, on this Father’s Day (see what I did there? wink wink! lol!) Seriously, though, I’m thankful for a godly husband who is a fantastic father to our two kids. My hubby Adam is an answer to all my prayers for the “guy I would marry who would be a great dad.” He really is. I’m thankful to God for a godly dad and father-in-law, who I know pray for all their kids and grandkids.
    • My hope for you this Father’s Day is that you’ll spend the day knowing you are loved by an awesome dad, whether it’s your earthly father, your heavenly father or both! And since it happens to fall on a Sunday, if your dad or grandpa has been inviting you to church to learn more about Jesus, I think the best FREE gift you could give to them is to join them on Sunday.
    • If, on the flip side, you are a Christian, but your dad or grandpa isn’t, in a loving way, let them know how much you love them and that you’re praying for them. Share encouraging Bible verses for something they might be going through. And do a random act of kindness, showing Jesus love to them. Actions can speak louder than words!

I hope you have the most fun and memorable Father’s Day yet!

Laughing (and celebrating) thru life,
