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10 Things To Help You Blog Better!

10 Things to Help You Blog Better

If you are curious about blogging (or have a blog already and want to learn more and grow), there are two areas that are important to understand: SEO and Affiliates. I’ll confess that I’m still learning about these two MONSTER topics! (They’re “monsters” because there is SO MUCH TO LEARN!) So when I heard about a workshop that would focus on SEO and Affiliates, I couldn’t wait! And since the blogging community is awesome at sharing, I figured I’d review my notes and share the BEST takeaways. That’s where this list of the top 10 things to help you blog better comes from.

These 10 things are fresh off the Blog Elevated workshop I attended last week. I was beyond BLESSED by the opportunity to attend, representing the Houston Latina Bloggers (shout out to Connie from Momma of Dos for the encouragement and extra ticket!)

Blog Elevated has been INSTRUMENTAL in helping me launch a successful blog that has actually been a nice little side income for the past couple of years. Anytime I can attend a workshop or conference put on by BE’s Bobbie and Lisa, I jump at the chance! The Blog Elevated Facebook Group has been a huge help when I’ve been stumped by bloggy questions. And it’s just a fun community to be a part of!

Ok, enough chatting. Let’s dig in!

10 Things to Help You Blog Better

  1. Know Your Target
    • No, it’s not your favorite Target shopping location (although that’s important to know, too! lol!)
    • Your “target” is WHO you are aiming to reach with your writing/blog/videos, etc…
    • Spend time thinking about them: their NEEDS, their DESIRES, their DREAMS, their WANTS.
  2. Do Keyword Research
    • Think about what your target audience is searching for (on Google, Pinterest, YouTube, etc…)
    • Write down those keywords or phrases
    • Make a list of Google’s “suggested searches” or “people also search for” suggestions.
  3. Try this FREE TOOL:
    • Use it to find ideas on what people are searching for, so you can write on that!
  4. Keyword Grouping
    • Target 3 to 5 keyword phrases
    • Write 1 blog post per group
  5. Content Tips!
    1. These types of content tend to perform well, so let’s write about them!
      1. A solution to a problem
      2. An honest product review
      3. Best of
      4. A comparison (THIS vs. THAT)
  6. Check your site speed
    • Just Google “pagespeed” and fix any issues that show up to make your site load faster!
  7. Use Yoast!
    • Always have a meta description for every post and page
    • Keep it to under 320 characters
    • Use headers! (They are like an outline for your blog.)
  8. Optimize images (aka, the bane of my existence …lol!)
    • Always name your images
    • Keep them under 70 kb
    • Fill in the description
  9. Affiliate Programs (to help you make more money blogging! Yay!)
    • Look for coupon sites, mobile-friendly sites, ask if their audience is the same as yours.
    • (***FAVORITE TIP***) Make a list of products you already use and love. Google (product + affiliate). You might be surprised how many affiliate programs are out there!
    • Think Evergreen not dated.
    • Think specific (ex., instead of “Easter Party Ideas”, try “Easter Party Ideas for 3 year olds”)
  10. Write down your Business Goals

Bonus: Be Yourself and always keep learning! (Thanks to Meg O. for sharing this in her presentation about her journey to becoming a full-time blogger!)

And a huge thanks to the AMAZING speakers and hosts of this Blog Elevated workshop (check ’em out and follow them!)

Laughing (and blogging) thru life,


P.S. I’m inviting you to join me in the How I Made My First $1,000 Blogging Facebook Group.  It’s perfect for asking questions and learning more about all the bloggy things!