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Love Notes & More | 28 Day Challenge to Fill Your Home with Love

It’s a brand new month and you are welcome to join me on this 28 day challenge to fill our homes with love!

You can read the main post here with all the details. But since we all tend to get so B-U-S-Y, this challenge will be short, sweet and to the point.

Little things add up, and that’s what this is all about – 28 days of “little things” that I hope and pray will fill your home and mine with more love than we thought possible!

Your Day 1 Challenge is to Write a Love Note!

The point of this 28 day challenge is to fill your home with love, even (and especially) when you’re busy. You may feel like me sometimes — like we just don’t have time to be intentional about showing our family love in practical ways. So for today, the challenge is to write it down!

To help you out, I’m sharing these love note ideas:

Have fun with this challenge! I’m one of those people who loves to save little notes. You never know that someone in your family could really use this extra little blessing in their life.

And this is just the beginning! Check out an overview of the first week for this 28 Day Challenge to fill your home with love!

Week #1 on the 28 Day Challenge to Fill Your Home with Love: 

Day 1: Write a love note

It can be for your whole family, or one for each member!

Day 2: Say good morning and hug each person

(You might be surprised how many mornings are so rushed we barely do THAT!)

Day 3: Pray for your family

I’m a Christian and truly believe in the power of prayer. But you can also find inspirational messages to share with them if you’re not religious. (This is a love challenge, and I LOVE that you’re here, no matter who you are!)

Day 4: Ask “How was your day?”

And if you have kids who “don’t really answer,” get creative! Ask who they sat with at lunch, who did they hang out with on the bus, or who had the coolest shirt on today!

Day 5: Bring home treats!

Pick up donuts on the way home! Or something you know everyone will love. Even just picking up everyone’s favorite treat (fun sized or king size), or their favorite fruit can say “I was thinking about you!”

Day 6: Do a chore for them

This works best for those of us who are ALWAYS asking the kids to make their beds, put away laundry and shoes, etc… For one day, surprise them by doing it yourself! Even if they don’t notice it, you can feel good that you gave them a “day off!”

Day 7: This might be hard, but … put down your phone. And computer, iPad, etc…

Whether you do this for 30 minutes, an hour, or a whole day, your “Challenge” today is to put down electronics and connect with your family.

Copy + paste these on your calendar. Leave a sticky note reminder for yourself. Let’s do these, even if we miss a day or two.

And if you’d like to join the challenge via email, the sign up form is on the original post. Check it out here. 



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I can’t wait to hear your story at the end of the 28 days to see if you feel like your home is filled with just a little more love than before.
Laughing (and loving) through life,


Special note: This 28 day challenge was inspired in part by the 28 Day Writing Challenge & a blog post on ways to fill your home with love by Fabulessly Frugal!