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A Mom’s Candid Thoughts on Why Valentine’s Day School Parties (and other celebrations) Mean So Much

Happy Valentine’s Day!!! ❤?❤? 

Today was an extra special day.

My hubby woke me up with two super sweet cards! (I’m a words girl. He knows me!) 

I got to spend time with my kids at their Valentine’s Day parties at school and it was awesome!!!

And my hubby & I have been on two dates so far this month! It’s like we started celebrating EARLY!!! Yes!!! 

Mexican food at Los Cucos with my love!
Snapchat with the love of my life!
Making lovey faces cuz we can!

But this Valentine’s Day made me think of the past 10 years for our family.

We’ve been married 13 years. Our kids are 11 and 7. For many of those years, because of my work schedule, I missed out on a lot of moments like these:

That makes me sad! Look at these two! They are such HUGE blessings! I love them so much! I’m so thankful to God for them!

My two Valentine’s!

But for those 10 years or so, I was so busy, I hardly had time to go to school parties, Valentine’s or otherwise. By the time I got to see the kids after school, I was often so exhausted, I barely heard the details of how their day went. I was a “mombie” (mom-zombie) who just needed everyone to have dinner (take out more often than eating in), take showers & go to bed. Zzzzzzzzzzz.

Some nights I went to bed before the kids’ because of my insane morning work schedule, and then I left before they woke up.

I missed my kids. And I was not the most available, happy, sweet wife, either. I was exhausted and frustrated that I couldn’t give everyone everything.

I even read books to try to figure out if I was somehow missing the secret to “having everything!” But no, the books often concluded with the realization that something’s gotta give. 

Yep, I discovered that, too.

Those past 10 years had ups and downs, but man, it seemed like the downs were winning by a landslide.  

And here we are today. 

I just took a deep breath as I wrote this. 

I’ve been taking quite a few more of those than I had in the past.

There’s another one! 

Man, this breathing thing is AWESOME!

If you’re a busy mom, you know what I mean.

We are SO run down, going non-stop to get everything done that shallow breathing is what we do.

I don’t know how we are not sicker. We hardly breathe, we eat junk on the run, and we don’t sleep well because of all the things that keep us up at night.

I know this is just me. Maybe you feel like this, too. Or maybe you know someone who lives this way and you don’t understand it.

That’s ok. It’s hard to understand.

What I will tell you today is this:

I was at both of my kids’ Valentine’s Day class parties at school. I took deep breaths and cute photos. 

My hubby has a more available, sweeter wife (at least some of the time!) 😉 

I’m working on balance and I think that’s an ongoing thing, no matter the schedule.

But today, I want you to know that if you are having a hard time breathing and you miss your kids and your hubby barely has a wife … 

If you’re tired and can hardly be there for your family (let alone be intentional and purposeful about loving them) …

If you are sad today because you missed another Valentine’s Day class party …

You may need a change. And that’s ok.

It took me a while to be able to make the change.

My hubby and I prayed a lot and waited on God’s perfect timing.

Last year, around this time, we took a leap of faith and decided to not trust our paychecks anymore. We were going to trust God.

Today, I want you to know it is Worth It. 

Going to school Valentine’s parties is worth it.

Noticing that you’re taking deep breaths more often is worth it.

Having date nights with the hubby and realizing you’re not as drained and frustrated anymore is definitely worth it.

I don’t know where you are in your life right now, but if I can encourage you today, pray and completely bare your heart to God.

He knows our hearts. Think of it as your Valentine! Even if it’s handmade, a little crooked and not all polished and Pinterest-y, He’ll LOVE it cuz it’s from His kid! 

And He LOVES you! 

He hears our cries and He answers us with the BEST Valentine’s gift ever: His love.

God’s love carries us through the tough years and the great years; the class parties, the exhaustion and tears; the hugs and smiles, the excitement and fears; and He breathes new life when we need it to let us know it’s all going to be ok.

It’s not so much that Valentine’s Day parties are more meaningful than others. I think because of the celebration of love, it just got me thinking. 

And my hope and prayer for you today is that you’ll have the sweetest Valentine’s Day celebration with the ones you love, knowing that, if you are needing or desiring a change in your heart, for your family, in your life, love Himself is here, listening. He cares. And He truly gives us the desires of our hearts.

Happy Valentine’s Day! 

Laughing (and loving) thru life,
