My hubby Adam and I woke up at 4am, dropped off the kids at a friend’s house (thanks, Jessica!), and went to get an early morning follow-up MRI Tuesday, to check that everything is still OK from his brain tumor surgery back in July.
We decided we might as well make it a date day!
In between the MRI and doctor’s follow up, we killed some time together and had a great lunch at TORCHY’s Tacos (it was #TacoTuesday after all!)
After lunch, waking back into MD Anderson, I had a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach.
We had been there before, but I think there might have been a little fear and apprehension over the “what ifs.”
Some people call it “scanxiety”: the worry you may feel while waiting for medical test results.
Adam seemed perfectly fine. I even asked him and he replied that he felt perfectly fine. That is all very normal to him.
Meanwhile, I have a tendency to freak out and worry…about everything. Did I leave wet laundry in the washer? Is the brain MRI ok? Did I put deodorant on this morning? Everything.
So we are walking down the long hallway and up the elevator to the MD Anderson brain and spine center. We walk up to the little iPad on the wall where you sign in for your appointment. Almost immediately they call us and show us to the patient room, where we will wait for the oncologist. (We love Dr. O’Brien! Couldn’t ask for a better one!)
There’s always a wait once we’re in there, so we hung out for a little bit, checked emails on our phones, I stared at the brain poster on the wall, pretending I understood all of it, thankful that Adam is doing GREAT, and hoping and praying that the MRI result will confirm that he’s OK.
All of a sudden, I started singing a song we had done in church on Sunday —
“Our Redeemer and Defender
Every throne & Royal scepter
Soon will see Your radiant splendor
Be exalted!
Hallelujah, hallelujah
Lift your heads fling wide you ancient doors
Hallelujah, hallelujah
Shout out loud! King of glory come
King of Glory come!”
As I was singing those words while waiting for the doc, it was so powerful to just KNOW God is King, even in that moment, even in every moment. The doctor, the circumstances, the test results, all of it is redeemable by God, no matter what. He can redeem, fix & make right anything we go through.
I’m beyond grateful that the doctor came in and said the scan looked great! “No evidence of disease.”
Thank You, Jesus!
And, as if that was not enough, on the front desk counter at the Brain and Spine center, we saw a message on a rock:
“The Lord will fight for you; you need only be still.” Exodus 14:14
Thank God for His word, alive & active & perfect for that moment when I needed it!
And thank God for healing and clean MRI scans!
Laughing thru life,