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Fitting in workouts for busy moms

Fitting in Workouts for Busy Moms

Fitting in workouts can be a challenge to say the least. If you’re a busy mom like me, you probably get it, unless you’re already a gym buff. And that’s cool! I love the gym! It’s just really nice when I’m able to squeeze in the time to go, somewhere between picking up and dropping off kids and grabbing a drive thru lunch. I know. We should probably talk about my eating habits soon, but let’s do that in another post.

When was the last time you got in a good workout? Especially during the summer, with changes to the kids schedules, trying to squeeze in some vacation time and possibly hosting visiting grandparents (like we are right now), it can be next to impossible!

Fitting in workouts for busy moms like me can break us out into a sweat before we change into our cute Calia by Carrie Underwood athleisure outfit. Hey, at least we look like we tried! And we also look kinda cute!

(Here’s my Amazon affiliate link, if you want to check it out! I get a small comission if you do, at no extra cost to you!)

Maybe you, like me, have battled mom guilt on your way to the gym. Or you’ve set an early alarm, but went to bed so late you rushed out of bed while the unworn Calia by Carrie top glared at you from across the room. Hey, at least we had good intentions when we laid it out the night before.

The term “weekend warrior” can seem a bit judgy, like it’s for busy moms who can “ONLY” make it to the gym once a week. I can almost feel the stares of the moms who are consistently working out, looking down condescendingly at my weekend warrior self.

Well, you know what? I’m determined to squeeze in a workout here and there as much as I can. I recently ran a Christmas in July 5k with my son, daughter and a few friends! Bonus: it benefited the Salvation Army of Greater Houston!

My kids are like, we are over here, taking this race seriously. You guys …??? LOL

Just this week, I walked a few blocks to a free Zumba class at a park downtown. I didn’t stay for the whole thing, but I definitely got a little sweaty workout in!

And a few weekends ago I did a Bodyflow class at the local Y. It was so relaxing.

I wish I could do more, but I’m going to celebrate what I AM able to do and build on that!

If you’re a busy mom like me, maybe we can do this together. Let’s call it our “Fitting in Workouts for Busy Moms” manifesto!

Workouts for Busy Moms Manifesto

I will remember that fitting in a workout is not an escape; it’s a stress-reliever, a strength-giver and a relaxation-producer.

If I’m ever too tired for a workout, I will set a 10 minute timer and dance. Or walk outside and get fresh air. Sometimes all we need is a little “pick me up” to get back on track.

It doesn’t matter if it’s an early morning workout, afternoon walk or dinner dash to the gym. Your workout time should be perfect for you. Feel free to change and adjust it as your schedule needs.

Silence the hater, critic and other random judgy people. Ain’t nobody got time for that. You’re fitting in a workout, busy mom.

After the workout, your kids probably won’t mind sweaty kisses. Isn’t that freaking awesome? Go ahead and run through the sprinklers with them while you’re at it.

Fitting in workouts will be done when we can, how we can and if we can. We’ll feel GREAT when we do them and we won’t belittle or berate ourselves when we can’t.

Busy mom, YOU ARE ROCKING THAT CUTE AHTLEISURE OUTFIT. Even if you didn’t quite get around to sweating in it. We’ll get to that next time.

Laughing (and panting) thru life,
