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Is it safe to start 2020 now?

Ok, since January is FINALLY over, is it safe to start 2020 now? You’ve probably seen ALL of the memes and GIFs making fun of the ENTIRE month of January 2020. I mean, it’s only the first month of the year, and we’ve already had:

I’ve seen so many memes on Instagram stating that January has felt 5 months long, like it had 47 days (not 31), that Christmas was 3 years ago and that our paychecks are still 6 weeks away. (At least the memes have been making us laugh as we commiserate!)

So my question today, on February 1st is:

Is it safe to start 2020 now?

My answer is yes, even if it’s NOT safe.

This makes me think of a famous quote from my favorite childhood books, The Chronicles of Narnia. The ultimate hero in the story, the lion Aslan, is good, but he’s not safe.

“Safe?” said Mr. Beaver; “don’t you hear what Mrs. Beaver tells you? Who said anything about safe? ‘Course he isn’t safe. But he’s good. He’s the King, I tell you.” ~The Beaver, describing Aslan in “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.”

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis

I love that description of Aslan!

You may have all sorts of feelings when you see #earthquake, #KobeBryant and #Coronavirus trending.

To be honest, sometimes it gets a little scary. But in this scary world, I need a hero who isn’t safe, but is good. Powerful. Steady. Strong.

If he’s in charge (and in this case, I’m swapping out Aslan for God), then yes, I’m in. As a Christian, I’m putting my faith and confidence in Jesus. If anyone can get us through 2020, it’s Him. So let’s try this again. Happy New Year.


Happily Ever After fireworks at Disney’s Magic Kingdom. I’m a little Disney obsessed.