Ok, since January is FINALLY over, is it safe to start 2020 now? You’ve probably seen ALL of the memes and GIFs making fun of the ENTIRE month of January 2020. I mean, it’s only the first month of the year, and we’ve already had:
- Major earthquakes in Puerto Rico and near Cuba and Jamaica.
- The tragic death of NBA star Kobe Bryant, his daughter and the amazing people who were with them in the helicopter.
- The Coronavirus leading the United Nations and the World Health Organization to declare a global emergency.
- And at some point #WorldWar3 and #WorldWar6 were BOTH trending on Twitter (hilariously, by the way!)
I’ve seen so many memes on Instagram stating that January has felt 5 months long, like it had 47 days (not 31), that Christmas was 3 years ago and that our paychecks are still 6 weeks away. (At least the memes have been making us laugh as we commiserate!)
So my question today, on February 1st is:
Is it safe to start 2020 now?
My answer is yes, even if it’s NOT safe.
This makes me think of a famous quote from my favorite childhood books, The Chronicles of Narnia. The ultimate hero in the story, the lion Aslan, is good, but he’s not safe.
“Safe?” said Mr. Beaver; “don’t you hear what Mrs. Beaver tells you? Who said anything about safe? ‘Course he isn’t safe. But he’s good. He’s the King, I tell you.” ~The Beaver, describing Aslan in “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.”
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis
I love that description of Aslan!
You may have all sorts of feelings when you see #earthquake, #KobeBryant and #Coronavirus trending.
To be honest, sometimes it gets a little scary. But in this scary world, I need a hero who isn’t safe, but is good. Powerful. Steady. Strong.
If he’s in charge (and in this case, I’m swapping out Aslan for God), then yes, I’m in. As a Christian, I’m putting my faith and confidence in Jesus. If anyone can get us through 2020, it’s Him. So let’s try this again. Happy New Year.