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Brilliant Back to School Planning!

Brilliant Life Planner Big Heart graphic

I think we’re all pretty much back to school at this point. How are you doing? Surviving ok? Routines taking shape?

We’re ok, but to be honest I could use some help in the Planning Department (which is why I’m SUPER excited about the Brilliant Life Planner I’m sharing in this blog post!)

My kids (ages 10 and 6) went back to school this week.

I thought my hubby and I had done a pretty good job of back to school shopping (got some GREAT deals!)

We felt ready for the first day with their cute clothes laid out.

They were even excited about the fact that their outfits kind of matched (which, I thought, was a #MomWin because the kids were being such good & cute brother & sister!)

We got their favorites: Horizon organic chocolate milk for my son and coconut milk for my daughter, plus grapes, a huge watermelon, baby carrots, cucumbers & more yummy foods.

We were ready for the week and they were excited about all the healthy snacks, which I also thought was a pretty sweet #MomWin.

At this point, I’m all like Bring. It. On.

If your kids love chocolate milk as much as my kids, and you want to click & buy this box, this is my Amazon affiliate link. That means I get a commission if you buy at no extra cost to you. Thanks!
Then reality hit.

Our daughter left her lunch on the counter on her first day of 1st grade. #Momfail

Neither of our kids took their water bottles #HoustonHeat = #SuperMomFail

And then, our son came home saying we hadn’t bought his 5th grade planner and his sister had taken the 2 packs of highlighters we bought (one was for him.) Whoops. #MegaMomFail

Man, I thought we were doing GREAT!

But I think it would probably help us be a bit more organized if I spent a little more time planning.

This is where a brilliant blogger named Beth Anne comes in. I got to know her through another one of my favorite bloggers, Crystal Paine, The Money Saving Mom.

Turns out, Beth Anne created the Brilliant Life Planner for moms like me who need a little help in the planning and getting organized department.

When I heard about the planner, I couldn’t wait to check it out, so I joined her launch team! It’s been so exciting to see the planner designs being voted on and all the final details coming together!

I’m not getting a free planner or receiving money for posting this — it’s just a really cool planner that is inspiring me to spend a little extra time planning ahead and setting our little family up for more success.

Plus, it looks AWESOME! Check this out!

Brilliant Life 4-covers

Aren’t all the designs super pretty?!

And as of this past Monday, August 22nd, the planner is on Kickstarter, so you can go in and pick your favorite design if it’s still available!

I love that Beth Anne wants to inspire and help others to be the Brilliant women we can be! I think you’re brilliant for reading my blog (thanks!) 

Hopefully, this inspires YOU to know that:

1) If you’re not super organized, you’re not alone

2) There’s help available (Thanks, Beth Anne!)

3) We can always do at least one thing every day to get better

Let’s do this!

And let’s have the best, most brilliant back to school yet!

Loving & planning,


Disclosure: I’m not getting a free planner or receiving money for posting this. I’m just sharing my opinion about a really cool planner that is inspiring me to spend a little extra time planning ahead and setting our little family up for more success.