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Summer Transformation: 12 weeks to a better family life!

(2018 Update!) Summer is already flying by and, before we know it, school’s back in session (yikes!) Have you seen Back to School sales already?! It’s REAL! But instead of watching these summer weeks pass us by like blurry photos of an active 4 year old (I have plenty of those blurry photos of my son … lol!), how about we set out to make this a different summer? Let’s make it a Transformation Summer!

How amazing would it feel to get to the end of summer feeling like a new person (not run down, needing a vacation from your vacation?)

Summer Transformation: 12 weeks to a better family life!

By now, we’ve all kicked into summer mode. When I looked at the calendar and saw that we had 12 WEEKS from the end of school ’till the beginning this fall, I freaked out! That’s a lot of weeks to fill up with summer activities! WHAT are we going to do? But then, I thought this was actually GREAT! Instead of dreading it, what if we used that time to make some positive changes in our family? YES!

That’s where I got the idea for this Summer Transformation: 12 weeks to a better family life. (But feel free to jump in any time during the summer!)

I’m breaking down the transformation into these 4 categories:

Let’s get started with this Summer Transformation Action List!

Just in case you’re SUPER busy like me, I’m keeping the Action List short. That way, we can use these summer weeks as an opportunity to make some changes without getting overwhelmed. You’re welcome.

This is my personal Summer Transformation Action List. But if  you scroll down, you can sign up to get the FREE Printable just for YOU, and receive my Coppe News for more encouragement and summer fun!

Disclosure: I may share affiliate links below to some of my favorite products! If you click and buy, I get a small comission at no extra charge to you! 





Want to join me for these 12 weeks of Summer Transformation?

Let’s do this thing! Whether you have 12 weeks to go, or a few weeks before school starts again, let’s make the best of it!

This is the time to have fun, make memories and create some great habits for our family. Now is the perfect time to make sure we have some solid home and family organization systems and habits in place. I’m excited about getting better with meal planning, morning routines, etc… so that when school starts again, we are READY TO DO THIS!!!

You in?! Tell me in the comments! Or sign up below! It’s going to be a GREAT Summer!!!

Laughing (and transforming) thru life,


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