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What is Coppelia Doing Now?


A lot of friends have been asking, “So, what are you doing now that you’re not on the radio?” Here’s the answer!

My hubby and I officially went crazy, took a huge leap of faith and did THIS!

I have a new website, I’m leading worship, singing and speaking at women’s events, and blogging about Family, Faith and Fun!

This is a dream coming true, and I’m excited that your’re here, checking out.

Seriously, I’m super excited. (insert excited scream here: “AAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!”)

Yeah, that would be me, yelling like Kermit the Frog when he announces “it’s the MUPPET SHOW!!!” And then the music starts playing, and muppets are running and dancing everywhere. And Animal is playing the drums. Just imagine that for a second. Ha!

CoppeliaWEB-13Back to what I’m doing, Singing, Speaking and Blogging, I can hear some of you right now reading this thinking:

“But Coppelia, weren’t you already singing in churches and speaking at women’s events, conferences, doing prison ministry, etc…?”

Yes. Yes, I was! I have already been doing a lot of that for years… and loving it! However, the bulk of my time was spent doing radio (which I also loved), while at the same time trying to be the best wife & mom that I could be. I really couldn’t do it all, and do it well.

The more my hubby Adam and I prayed about this crazy dream idea to launch a full time ministry, and fully pursue the dream to speak, sing and write, the more we saw confirmation from God that this is what we’re supposed to do.

Now, just in case you weren’t familiar with my “radio girl” story, fresh out of college, God opened an amazing door for me and started me on a journey at The Rock Radio Network in my hometown, Puerto Rico. After that, I felt like Cinderella at the ball when I joined the K-LOVE and Air 1 radio networks nationwide. More recently, I loved being a part of the KSBJ and NGEN radio family in Houston, Texas.

Y’all, it’s been amazing. But God started stirring up in me some old dreams and goals that I had let sort of fizzle out or at least stay dormant somewhere in the background.

So now Adam and I both feel that God is opening new doors in this season of our lives for a reason.

This is the START (#MyOneWord of 2016) of something new.

“For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.” Isaiah 43:19

So what’s next? I’ll be sharing updates through my CoppeNews newsletter. You can sign up at

I’ll share my latest blog posts on family, faith & fun! I’ll send out updates from my events calendar, so you’ll know where to find me next. And coming soon, you’ll find new music and my first eBook, coming later this year! I think 2016 is going to be one of the best years yet!

Thank you so much for being a part of this journey. I’m excited. I think God is going to do some amazing things through this. I pray that I can be a blessing to you in some way and that we’ll be able to shine the light of Jesus a little brighter in this world … together.

Laughing through Life,

Coppelia Marie