You’ve probably seen that hashtag: #CommunityOverCompetition. It’s pretty popular among many of my blogger friends, whom I genuinely love and admire. I enjoy learning from successful bloggers, going to conferences, celebrating “Blogiversaries” and growing in this awesome community. But I did a little soul searching after I taught a blogging class this past weekend. How do we REALLY live out #CommunityOverCompetition when things get a little competitive?
Thoughts on Community Over Competition
I was recently musing on Instagram Stories about that concept of Community Over Competition. A few friends jumped in with insightful replies. I love that these are all women, bloggers and friends I genuinely love and admire:
Connie @MommaofDos
“I simply don’t consider anyone competition, not because I’m better than anyone, but because I focus on doing what I do and allow others to do their thing.”
Crystal @Crystalleewilliams
“I think when creativity is brewing we all benefit. As we gather in community and share ideas, struggles, brain power, gifts and more … we all grow, we all get better, we all execute better and end up doing better in our business/gifting. And when it comes to the Kingdom [of God], then above all, it’s THE KINGDOM that expands because of collaborations and team work. No matter if one gets front stage and the other runs behind the scenes. In the Kingdom, no part goes unseen, though to the world it may look like one is “advancing” before another.”
Virjinia @WithPurposeAndKindness
“My accountability partner has this saying: “it’s not about you.” Lol! We are given gifts to share with others about God’s impact in our lives. [I’m] currently doing the “Holy Hustle” Bible study on the Bible app and it talks about doing His work with His Kingdom in mind. It touches a bit on this, too.”
Lois Rico, @LoisRico, owner @itzbeautybylo

“I think becoming secure in God and trusting the path he has for you (is the answer to how to put community over competition in practical terms). The more we align our heart to His desires, not our own, we become secure in celebrating others.”
Living in True Community
Wow. All these answers came from a question I posed on Instagram Stories. I’m thankful to have these women in my life. In fact, I’m working on another blog post about the benefits of finding friends thru blogging!
There are many benefits to having friends who don’t mind sharing their honest thoughts with you, challenge you and share resources (like that Bible app study Virjinia mentioned!)
Competition can be selfish. It can smell like “yeah, I’ll share, but it’s so I can eventually get something from you and use it to BEAT YOU so I WIN.” Those wins may come, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they came with the “it’s lonely at the top” price tag.
We are all unique, individual, complex, fascinating humans. Our stories are diverse and full of colors and textures. One light can shine bright like the sun. But imagine what a hundred suns together can illuminate.
Laughing (and living in community) thru life,
2 thoughts on “#CommunityOverCompetition”
I love this! I definitely agree that by aligning our desires to His is how we can get over everything turning into a competition!
Thanks, Virjinia! And when we can share our experiences and encourage each other, even better! I love our bloggy tribe! <3
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